
Virgin Mary

Author: holycrossshop Release time: 2024-03-02 02:39:10 View number: 82

She is brave, strong, benevolent, wise, patient, and obedient. She is a woman who gathers all virtues in one.

She has been admired for centuries, not only because she raised the perfect son Jesus (Saint of Elsa), but also because she is the embodiment of a perfect woman.

There are churches all over the world, and all churches are named after her!

Countless portraits and sculptors have inspired her to create the image of the Virgin Mary in their hearts, making her the most revered woman in history.

 According to the Bible, when Mary was 14 years old, she had just been engaged to Joseph. The Virgin Mary is pregnant!!!

 How shameful it was for a virgin to conceive and have a child in feudal society thousands of years ago!

 At that time, the situation was like this. As the Virgin Mary was preparing to go to bed at night, suddenly a man with a faint light drifted towards her. Maria was very scared because she was very young! He asked, "Who are you? This man said he is the angel Gabriel, and Gabriel said I was entrusted by God to tell you that soon you will be pregnant and have a child."

 Maria was so scared that she cried and said, "I'm still a virgin. How could I have children!!! I'm just engaged, how can I have children for anyone again? This is impossible!"

 The angel Gabriel comforted and said, "You don't have to worry!"! You are the will of God, and the child you have given birth to is the Holy Spirit and a saint. You do not need to be afraid. I will always take care of you! But of course Maria was still very afraid, and so the days passed day by day!

 Maria is a devout believer who believes in their Lord because believing in the Lord requires prayer, and she needs to take a bath to pray.

 One night, Maria was taking a shower for herself when suddenly she felt a handful of sand sprinkled on her neck from above her head. Maria felt icy and cool, and she vigorously scrubbed down with her hands. But it still felt like a handful of cold sand spilled on her neck, but she looked in the mirror and saw nothing. She didn't care about it just like that. Just got pregnant!

 Day by day passed like this, and Maria had a pregnancy reaction and continued to vomit after a month.

 Maria's mother looked at her daughter very strangely, and her reaction was similar to that of pregnancy. She secretly asked you what was going on? Why should there be a pregnancy vomiting reaction?

 Maria doesn't even know how to speak or know! Mom will delve deeper into the matter. It's easy to say, what exactly did you do?

 Maria said she didn't do anything and her mother didn't believe her, so she hit her and said it was embarrassing for you to do such a thing. How can I lift my head?

Maria was particularly aggrieved and knelt down in front of her mother, crying and crying, saying that she really didn't do anything

 It makes mom feel strange too

 Because in her mother's eyes, Maria is particularly well behaved, obedient to her words, and devout. She is a particularly pure, chaste, and self loving girl

 My mother asked the reason for the situation, and Maria suddenly thought of something and told her mother. She said that on the night of her bedtime, an angel came to her side, and the angel said she wanted to conceive a holy son right away

 Maria said for a few days that while taking a shower, she suddenly felt something cold and icy around her neck!

 She washed hard, but couldn't wash it off at all! I always feel like my neck is icy cold... After washing it for two days, she didn't care. So day by day, she didn't want to eat for some reason, and she developed a nausea and vomiting reaction.

 Mom was also very helpless when she heard this, and there was nothing she could do. Joseph was her fianc é, and she was very unhappy when she saw Maria's situation and wanted to take her leave! Saying that Maria may have something to do with other men!

 Maria's belly is getting bigger day by day! Joseph got angry and had a big argument with Maria, and broke up. Joseph has gone home.

 On the way home, suddenly someone in front of Joseph said, "Don't rest with that girl. I am Angel Gabriel.". He said that Maria's pregnancy was a call from the gods, she was pure, and she was pregnant with a saint! Don't let Maria down, you must protect her and protect her.

 Joseph felt a bit sad upon hearing this and turned to look for Maria. I saw Maria being smashed with stones by everyone, and in the end, Joseph saved her. I also made a wish to marry Maria no matter what happened.

 Before Maria's belly could show, her mother took her to a cave to bring her food. Spend the night with her. Until the birth of Jesus (the saint of Elsa).

 After Jesus was born, Maria gave birth to a lot of blood. While Maria was worried about how to deal with blood, the newborn Jesus kicked his little foot, and after Jesus was born, Maria gave birth to a lot of blood. When Maria was worried about how to deal with blood, the newborn Jesus kicked his little foot, and hot water came out from under his feet. Maria washed his whole body, and the child gave Jesus a bath! Jesus said Mom, my birth will bring you trouble. Whoever says you, don't talk, I'll reason for them!

 This has relieved Maria a lot! Maria was holding the baby in her swaddling clothes, while the people on the way were pointing and pointing. However, Jesus was explaining to them that everyone was scared and ran away. This was really abnormal. How could a newborn baby speak?

 Jesus not only spoke at birth, but also talked about the timing, location, and harmony of people. He taught all life lessons about his background and origins.

 Defend the mother's rights. Later, people also believed her words.

 Maria was not only beautiful at the time, but also had a noble character. In addition, the child born is Jesus. Jesus Saint. How many disabled people have become good people. How many people have been saved!

 At that time, it was already very famous! He has been lost multiple times! At the age of 7-8, he goes to pray and even says things to the people in the church that we don't understand.

 After Maria found her, she asked why she didn't go home, but Jesus said there was no need to find me, I don't belong to you!!

 But the Virgin Mary still loves him very much! How tolerant this mother is

 How kind, how strong, still a very chaste sacred woman!
