
What counts as religious jewelry?

Author: holycrossshop Release time: 2024-03-02 02:39:09 View number: 73

In the world of antique jewelry, religious jewelry has always been an extremely important type of jewelry besides love. Whether it is the coronation ceremony of the emperor or the worship activities in the church, the cross can be said to be an essential jewelry for Christians. However, the understanding of doctrine in Catholicism, Christianity, Eastern Orthodoxy, and different regions and countries, coupled with changes in time, artistic style, and scientific technology, has led to differences in the design form and materials of cross jewelry.

Latin Cross

The cross is formed by having a slightly shorter horizontal portion and a longer vertical portion.

The Latin cross is the most common type of cross, and both Catholicism and Protestantism often use the Latin cross, which is also the longitudinal cross currently used in the church. In Catholic crosses, there is often a cross with a micro sculpture of the image of Jesus in Passion, as shown in the following figure:

In Protestantism, in order to avoid idol worship, a cross without a statue of Jesus is often used, as shown in the following figure:


In antique cross pendants, crosses with petal shaped decorations are also commonly seen, known as "bud shaped crosses". The three leaf shape at the end of this cross represents the Trinity, which is the Catholic God, namely the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (referred to as the Holy Spirit in both Eastern Orthodox and Protestant religions). This flower bud shaped cross is also the most common style in antique jewelry, as shown in the following picture:

maltese cross

Also known as the Swallowtail Cross, the Maltese Cross is a symbol of the cross of Christian defenders, most commonly seen during the Crusades and a symbol of the surviving Order of Malta.

The original Maltese Cross was a symbol of the Order of Hospitals, also known as the Order of Rhodes, the Order of St. John, and the Order of Malta, built in 1099. At that time, the Order of Malta was dressed in a black robe, with the original emblem being the octagonal cross with a black background and white background. By the mid-13th century, the widespread use of the octagonal cross with a red background and white background was also known as the "Malta Cross" due to the name of the Order. Subsequently, the Knights Templar Order developed and was founded in 1119. Originally named Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon. White robe, embroidered with a red cross on the left shoulder after the Second Crusade (1147-1149), initially an equilateral cross (Greek cross), and later an octagonal cross (Maltese cross).

The Maltese cross is very common in antique jewelry, and due to its historical significance in war, it is often used in medals. After the 19th century, it was also used for decorative purposes, and the styles are also very diverse, such as the following:

Greek cross

It's the cross. There is a Greek cross on the Easter egg, which is a riddle like cross with infinite ways to divide a Greek cross into four pieces. It is wonderful that any two cutting lines, as long as they are parallel to the lines on the graph, can also achieve the same result. The four pieces divided can always form a square. Greek crosses are relatively rare in antiques, and the following are some examples:

Celtic cross

Commonly seen on the cover of hymns

It is a symbol revered by the Nordic people, characterized by the intersection of a cross and a circle. It is said that King Arthur used this elephant emblem. At the intersection of the Celtic Cross, there is an O-ring symbolizing eternal life. In Christian cultural traditions, the combination of the circle and the cross represents the sky and the earth. As shown in the following figure:

Clada Cross

Originating from Ireland, characterized by holding a heart with a crown in both hands, representing love (heart), friendship (hands), and loyalty (crown) respectively. This type of cross is also relatively rare.

The "With my hands I give you my heart, and crown it with my love." The basic style of the cross is not much different from the Latin cross, and it has been classified. Perhaps in terms of shape, although it is no different from the Latin cross, it is ultimately its deformation.

Cross of Lorraine

Also known as a double cross, it has two horizontal bars.

The double cross of Lorraine is an additional horizontal line added to a regular cross, some are longer on the top and some are longer on the bottom The Lorraine Cross symbolizes freedom. The famous Lorraine Cross with double bars was invented by Hene Anjou and has become an eternal symbol of free France. During the Anglo French War, the French national hero Joan of Arc used this symbol, which later became a symbol of free France. During World War II, it became a symbol of the French resistance movement The flag emblem of the Free French soldiers is the Lorraine Cross.

In terms of the cross itself, there are over a dozen different styles and styles, but in antique jewelry, we also consider their aesthetic design, value, and wide applicability. Latin crosses, Maltese crosses, and Cartesian crosses are still more common. If you have faith in Christianity, don't make the wrong choice when choosing the shape and style of the cross~
